Principles of Playology
Play is much more than what the modern dictionaries define it as. This is their definition: PLAY; Verb. Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
*This definition ignores the facts that play has serious and practical purposes! Infact, play can be paramount and deadly, which most folks consider to be serious. It appears the dictionaries are simply defining Recreation and creating confusion.
Here is how we define PLAY; Verb. Engage in activity for the opportunity to Learn.
Sense how play starts simply by engaging/participating in activity for the fundamental purpose to learn, from there, things can become complicated.
Food for thought; Isn't play a profound and memorable way to experience and learn? Why would anyone think of play any other way? Are there "play programs" with intent to deceive?
Balanced Basics~
From Breath to Death and possibly beyond, we are all playing roles as you and I. This you and I verse, Universe, is a learning playing field, if you will. As we play our roles, we may learn the purposes to our play.
Relationship Rules~
There are Fundamental Elemental LAWs with Purposeful Principles that govern Playful relationships in the grand games of growth through Life Lessons.
Player Characters~
We participate here on Earth via a vitality vessel/body/sensory spacesuit/conscious container conduit of a main/man character or a wowman/women character with abilities to act/react in many manners of morality.
As we surf sensations and play our roles each day, we may use informative senses to survive and thrive.
We begin forming our player vessel within the womb. When born, we take our first breath and sensations start to inform the conscious container vessel of particular patterns.
Complexity and Simplicity of Source~
Source is of course All the force fields, also known as GOD~ Giver Of Days, Consciousness and many other "Names."
Harmful or Helpful~
LAW is an acronym, and most Lawyers/Attorneys do not know what it stands for. They do not teach this in most Law Schools. L stands for Land, A stands for Air, and W stands for Water.
Each LAW: Land/Air/Water are funDAmental elemental reSourceful systems, with coded conditions for FUNdaMental play. Particular systems are used in man-made laws as well.
Man-made laws have Judges in jurisdictions with particular policies to be enforced. This is why the policy enforcers are called the Police.
*It is important to not just understand words, instead overstand and define words well for best possible communication with informed consent. We call this the definition dance.
Purpose to all PLAY~
Each of us is a Player participating in the grand games of growth, and we may Learn Life Lessons in order to gain knowledge and mature morally.
PLAY is also an acronym, and there are 4 Fundamental Foundations for Practicing PLAY~ Participate, Learn, Analyze, Yield.
We Participate in life's games in order to Learn. Then we Analyze what we learn in order to Yield knowledge to potentially further our advancement in our play.
As children we play pretend and learn that way well. As we grow and hopefully mature, we may develop abilities to play roles with respectful responsibilities.
Consent plays a major key role for conscious moral maturity in the growth games. As we grow and gain more invitations to particular play, we may always say nay or yay!
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